Tuesday 2nd August 2022 – 2pm

Recent tax cases have highlighted a number of issues with regard to CGT and SDLT on residential property. Our expert speakers will be exploring in a free webinar how the ‘period of ownership’ for CGT private residence relief should be measured. And, why the ‘period of ownership’ so important for CGT private residence relief.

• Why the ‘period of ownership’ is so important for CGT private residence relief, and what the term means
• The CGT treatment of forfeited deposits
• The circumstances in which a claim for SDLT multiple dwellings relief may be made




Stephanie Webber

Stephanie writes in-depth and quick overview commentary on capital gains tax, inheritance tax and trusts and pensions as well as preparing case reports for tribunal and court decisions in her commentary areas.



Zigurds Kronbergs

At Croner-i, Zigurds is responsible for commentary on stamp taxes and ATED, pensions taxation and some aspects of income tax.

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