Your free access to Navigate-Safety exclusive resources from our comprehensive package is now ready for you to use:
Your free access to Navigate-Safety exclusive resources from our comprehensive package is now ready for you to use:
Webinar: RIDDOR & the importance of accident reporting in your business
Learn more about how Croner-i can support your business with Navigate-Safety - Croner-i's exclusive digital platform and 24/7 advice line that help you to safeguard your workforce, meet UK safety laws, and enjoy more time to focus on your key projects.
Navigate-Safety comprehensive package includes:
- Instant access to hundreds of model policies, forms, checklists and risk assessments
- Case report summaries and ‘how to' guides
- In-house training modules
- Expert safety guides to help you spot, control and remove risks at work
- Legal register and legislation tracker tools to check your workplace’s compliance
- HSC publications
- Law and guidance
- Topics that cover all areas of health and safety
- And unlimited, 24/7 advice line calls for immediate safety support