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  • "What's new" updates & weekly e-alerts
  • Early Years feature articles and analysis
  • Online toolkits and expert Q&A's
  • Quick facts across Early Years sectors

Why Navigate-Early Years Lite?

Enjoy FREE access to an extensive online library, including: FREE access to:

  • "What's new" updates & weekly e-alerts
  • Early Years feature articles and analysis
  • Online toolkits and expert Q&A's
  • Quick facts across Early Years sectors

Navigate-Early Years is the essential online platform created by industry experts covering everything you need to know about caring for young children, current regulations and laws, health & safety and implementing the EYFS framework.

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Get up to 50% off the full Navigate-Early Years "Complete" with 24/7 access to the very expert information in a single comprehensive online platform with an unlimited professional advice line support.

EYRS Members can discover Croner-i's Navigate-Early Years "Complete" platform containing everything necessary for maintaining a world-class team, resources to ease the pressures of running an early years setting, everything you need to know about caring for young children, current regulations and laws.

See what our customers say about us

""Everything that I wish to learn is easy to find, well informed and can be relatable to any type of organisation and situation Keep it up!""

Veronica G

"Clear and concise explanation of the benefits of HR Inform.."

Lorraine S

"Allows me to have up to date changes to any employment law and HR documentation."

Geraldine O